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State Transitions

The State Transitions panel visualizes changes in discrete values from your topic message paths. Use message path syntax to specify which values to track.

The panel displays data for specified topics across the entire visualization time range.

Current playback time will be indicated by a vertical gray bar.

state transitions panel

Paths can point to any primitive value (numbers, booleans, enums, etc.), but will be most useful for enums.


Constants included in your ROS message definition will be displayed as a label for each "enum" plot. Limit enums to one per message definition, as Foxglove will not know which constant name to use in the event of multiple matches.



Sync with other plotsSync zooming and panning with other plots
Show pointsShow a point for each incoming message

X Axis

Axis labelLabel displayed along the time axis
MinThe minimum time value to display
MaxThe maximum time value to display
RangeWidth of the panel viewport (in seconds)


Message pathMessage path containing values for the series
LabelLabel displayed in the legend for the series
TimestampTimestamp used for message ordering (Log time, Publish time, or ROS header stamp)

User interactions

  • Zoom by scrolling
  • Pan by dragging
  • Double-click to reset the view
  • Hover over the chart to see state details at that time in a tooltip
  • Click the chart to seek playback to that time