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Getting started


To use webhooks, you need:

  • An application that exposes an HTTPS endpoint on the public internet – If your application runs inside a VPN, you can use a webhook proxy or HTTPS proxy to forward notifications to your internal application
  • Admin access to a Foxglove organization on the Enterprise plan

Create a new webhook

Log in to Foxglove, and navigate to the Webhooks settings page.

To add a new webhook:

  • Give it a unique name
  • Fill in your public API endpoint URL under URL
  • Select at least one event type to subscribe to

After creating the webhook, you can use the generated secret token to verify the sender of notifications.

Test with a ping event

Click your newly created webhook on the Webbhooks settings page, and trigger a ping event to test its connectivity.

Your application should receive a POST request body similar to the one below:

"timestamp": "2022-10-01T06:54:29.078Z",
"deliveryAttemptedAt": "2022-10-01T06:54:31.021Z",
"eventId": "whev_uDYJSMFeVF2y5ZfL",
"webhookId": "whk_KS6UE8rZfJ5CrBSY",
"type": "ping",
"webhook": {
"id": "whk_KS6UE8rZfJ5CrBSY"

Refreshing the page in your browser should also show a Delivery entry with a 200 status code at the top of the page. If your delivery was unsuccessful, it should still show up as an entry – click through to see details like its failure time, response status, and error message.

Retry a failed delivery

Manually retry a failed delivery by clicking Retry from the failed delivery details page.