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Secure your webhook endpoint.

Verify the signature

Verifying signatures prevents an attacker from forging webhook delivery content.

After creating a webhook, a secret token is displayed once. This token is used as a HMAC secret key to sign the bytes of the full webhook delivery request body. Include the signature in the request's fg-webhook-signature header for verification.

Here's a Python example:

import hmac

def request_originates_from_foxglove(token, request_body, request_headers):
signature = request_headers["fg-webhook-signature"]
digest =, msg=request_body, digestmod="sha256").hexdigest()
return hmac.compare_digest(digest, signature)

Protect against replay attacks

If an attacker is able to obtain a copy of a legitimate webhook delivery, they can re-send it to your endpoint.

Ensure your endpoint's behavior is idempotent by de-duplicating notifications on (webhookId, webhookEventId). You can also use deliveryAttemptedAt to reject deliveries older than 1 minute.