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Optimize extension performance

Optimize your extensions for production to reduce load times.

Combine multiple extensions

Combining multiple extensions that share code or dependencies can reduce file size, speed up installation, and reduce load times on app launch.

A single extension's activate function can call multiple registration functions to add different features:

export function activate(extensionContext: ExtensionContext) {
extensionContext.registerPanel({ name: "my-panel", initPanel: initCustomPanel });
extensionContext.registerPanel({ name: "my-other-panel", initPanel: initAnotherCustomPanel });
fromSchemaName: "...",
toSchemaName: "...",
converter: (inputMessage: MyInputType, messageEvent: MessageEvent<MyInputType>) => {
// ...
extensionContext.registerTopicAliases((args) => {
// ...

Disable source maps

By default, extensions are packaged with source maps to improve the debugging experience. However, source maps take up additional space and can slow down extension installation and loading.

If your extension grows, consider disabling source maps by adding a file named config.ts with the following contents:

module.exports = {
webpack: (config) => {
config.devtool = undefined; // disable source maps to reduce bundle size
return config;