Added links for contacting Foxglove and scheduling a demo to the Data source dialog
Added basic support for foxglove.Grid, foxglove.PointCloud, and foxglove.LaserScan messages to the 3D and Node Playground panels, for users with MCAP files or Foxglove WebSocket data sources
Allow users to set ROS_PACKAGE_PATH to the root of their workspace so Foxglove can traverse all subdirectories when resolving package:// urls
Fixed a jumping dropdown menu in the Diagnostic panels
Added data source descriptions and docs links to the Data source dialog
Added a Frame lock setting in a topic settings modal for nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid topics in the 3D panel
Added support for geometry_msgs/PoseArray messages and a setting to control geometry_msgs/PoseStamped and geometry_msgs/PoseArray messages' arrow shaft length in the 3D panel
Added support for loading MCAP files from a remote URL
Made all built-in types available for use in the Node Playground panel, even when users' data does not contain those types
Added velodyne_msgs/VelodyneScan and velodyne_msgs/VelodynePacket to the set of built-in message types
Added support for foxglove.FrameTransform messages to the 3D panel, so users with MCAP files or Foxglove WebSocket data sources can build a transform tree graph
Made current playback time available via the extensions API
Added support for foxglove.GeoJSON messages that adds GeoJSON markers to the map in the Map panel, for users with MCAP files or Foxglove WebSocket data sources
Added support for foxglove.PoseInFrame, foxglove.PosesInFrame, and foxglove.Color support to the 3D panel, for users with MCAP files or Foxglove WebSocket data sources
Improved error messages during MCAP reading to include information about which library produced the file
Display message order warnings in the Data source sidebar, instead of via toast notifications
Adjusted shaft length of pose in nuScenes sample data demo
Improved error messages when attempting to access data from Foxglove when not logged in or logged in to the wrong organization
Include the relevant package:// URL in the error message when failing to load a resource via a package:// URL
Fixed a bug in the 3D panel where sensor_msgs/LaserScan messages with intensities would sometimes not allow coloring by intensity
Fixed an issue with incorrect updates to the state URL and the Data source dialog's "Recents" list
Do not display errors when users encounter previously unseen schema/channel combinations while playing data from Foxglove
Confirmed image annotation dropdown does not jump around between selecting options
Fixed 3D panel flicker when using the Velodyne connection with a sensor in dual return mode
Fixed incorrect fetching behavior for remote bag and MCAP file sources, where the app would make HTTP Range requests that were too large and beyond the end of the file
Display the same topics settings used to render sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 messages for sensor_msgs/LaserScan messages in the 3D panel
Double-clicking an .mcap file now opens it in the Foxglove desktop app
Show all valid annotation topics in the Image panel's annotations dropdown
Improved handling of stale authenticated sessions
Display dashes in the Data Source Info panel if message counts aren't available for a data source
Display each visible topic in a different color in the Map panel
Update the Node Playground panel's nodes with generated types as the data source loads new topics and datatypes
Improve macOS Quick Look preview when displayed in small viewports
Improve preloading when streaming data from Foxglove
Correctly visualize a series ordered by header stamp in the Plot panel, regardless of the order of incoming messages
Fall back to visualization_msgs/Marker messages' color field in the 3D panel, in the event that the colors array is non-empty but has fewer entries than the points field
Expire 3D panel markers with lifetimes relative to their header stamp, not receive time; show warning when receiving an expired marker
Removed requirement for the Node Playground panel's output topics to have a /studio_node prefix
Simplified the default layout for exploring sample data
Display foxglove.LocationFix messages without position_convariance in the Map panel without crashing the panel
Fixed a crash when hovering or clicking on a negative timestamp in the Plot panel
Improved double-clicking to select text values in the Raw Messages panel
Fixed an issue where macOS Quick Look integration displayed an error with certain valid MCAP files
Fixed an issue with plotting incompletely fetched Foxglove data
Fixed a display issue with the Plot panel's legend
Fixed an issue with publishing to multiple subscribers using the latest version of @foxglove/electron-socket
Resolved an error in ROS 1 Rosbridge WebSocket connections
Fixed clicking the upper area of panels with hidden floating toolbars
Fixed an issue where playing back data from Foxglove would stall