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Release notes for the Foxglove web and desktop app.

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Foxglove 2.15.0

🏭 Quickly refine playback time range​

It's now smoother to refine the playback time range you've selected in the timeline view. If you update the range, the seek time will automatically update to also be within the new range.

New & Improved
  • When logging in using a magic link, emails now include a plain text copy of the link for copy/pasting
  • Fixed a bug where the 'add panel' menu would not close after hitting 'enter' to add a panel
  • Fixed a bug causing scene entity models to flicker under some circumstances
  • Fixed a bug preventing users from opening symlinks to a local file in some cases
  • Fixed a bug preventing the click to publish feature in the 3D panel from working when using the Foxglove bridge with simulations
  • Fixed a bug where user scripts were not working when there were conflicting datatypes
  • Fixed a bug where the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH environment variable was not being used when the app setting with the same name was set to an empty string

Downloads: Linux: deb amd64, snap amd64 | Windows: Universal | Mac: Universal

Foxglove 2.14.0

😷 Easier handling of quarantined files​

You can now retry or download failed imports directly from the Import errors tab of the Recordings page. Click the ⁝ menu on any row of the table and select retry or download to take action on the quarantined file.

Self-service quarantined files

New & Improved
  • Improved memory optimization for plots and state transitions for recorded sources
  • Minor app stability improvements
  • Collada textures can now load on the desktop app
  • Fixed a bug with rendering plots after a Topic Alias is updated
  • Fixed a bug occasionally preventing Topic Aliases from loading
  • Fixed a bug in exporting plots to CSV when a series value is a timestamp
  • Fixed a bug causing plots to occasionally reload unnecessarily
  • Panning in a Plot panel no longer causes current time indicator on the playback bar to jump around
  • The v1/data/pending-imports endpoint now returns a quarantinedAt date field for pending imports that have been quarantined
  • The v1/data/pending-imports response now returns undefined instead of null for empty fields

Downloads: Linux: deb amd64 arm64, snap amd64 | Windows: Universal | Mac: Universal

Foxglove 2.13.0

πŸ—ƒοΈ Direct file access​

If you have a self-managed Primary Site, you can now get the path of MCAP files in your data lake using the /lake-files endpoint. This allows you to directly access your Foxglove data for things like custom analysis, machine learning, post-processing, resimulation, and more.

You can query the /lake-files endpoint for the data associated with a device using deviceId or deviceName and a time range. Alternatively you can request the indexed data associated with a recording using recordingId or recordingKey. In either case, you'll get a list of MCAP files in object storage that you can directly access using your prefered AWS, GCP, or Azure SDKs and tools.


Self-managed Primary Sites and the /lake-files endpoint requier an Enterrpise plan.

New & Improved
  • The Problem sidebar now automatically opens with a 'Retry' button when a network issue can be resolved by reloading the data source
  • Minor performance improvements to message handling
  • Plot panel performance improvements
  • Fixed a bug that was causing extension loading to hang
  • MCAP metadata for recordings imported via Edge Sites or Foxglove Agent is now indexed and available through the API
  • Fixed minor issues with message path autocomplete
  • Fixed an issue with cleaning up background workers for Plot panels
  • Fixed a bug preventing data from user scripts to load after switching layouts in some cases
  • Fixed bug with reading optional fields in OMG IDL messages
  • Fixed a bug causing two instances of a panel to be added to a layout on double-click
  • Fixed an occasional bug with the Plot panel where the scatter plot displayed incorrectly until the user interacted with the plot
  • Fixed a bug with plot downsampling causing out of memory errors for large datasets at certain zoom levels

Downloads: Linux: deb amd64 arm64, snap amd64 | Windows: Universal | Mac: Universal

Foxglove v2.12.0

πŸ•₯ Quickly switch timezones​

You can now quickly update the timezone being used to display data from the navigation at the top of the app.

πŸ“ Maps have scales​

The Map panel now displays a scale in metric and imperial units to help you understand the size of the area you're viewing.

New & Improved
  • The Admin Insights page is now split into separate charts for cumulative import volume and data added/deleted to make it easier to understand
  • If a video keyframe doesn't contain a decoder configuration, the app will now surface an error message to let you know
  • When viewing live data, the Plot panel x-axis range updates smoothly and continuously rather than waiting for the next messageβ€”even if the WebSocket server is not publishing time
  • Improved the layout and usability of "Selected object" pop-up in 3D and Image panel
  • Minor Plot panel performance improvements
  • The "Selected object" pop-up no longer disappears from the Image panel when mousing away
  • Users should no longer experience problems where layouts fail to save because of a Conflict error
  • Resolved playback problems with schemaless MCAP files
  • The cursor now correctly repositions after auto-closing curly braces in message path editors
  • Locally-installed extensions that match an organization extension no longer incorrectly appear in extension settings
  • The correct values are now displayed for the import volume chart in the Admin Insights page
  • The 3D panel no longer "jumps" to different visual elements after a seek
  • Fixed 3D panel rendering issues while seeking

Downloads: Linux: deb amd64 arm64, snap amd64 | Windows: Universal | Mac: Universal

Foxglove v2.11.0

πŸ‘“ Easily view webhook IDs​

Webhook IDs are now displayed in the Webhooks page, viewable by organization Admins, making it easier to manage and debug your webhooks. Webooks are available on the Team and Enterrpise plans. Read the webhook docs to learn more.

Webhook ID visibility

πŸͺ΄ Expanded message converter support​

The Diagnostics Summary and Detail panels now support message converters, so these panels can be used when your data source does not use the standard ROS DiagnosticArray message type.

New & Improved
  • Hovering over a topic in the sidebar now shows the full topic name
  • The Insights page for organization Admins now allows you to adjust the time range for the data displayed (docs)
  • OMG IDL union message discriminators no longer require a specific or default case defined; When there is no specified or default case it will only show the discriminator value in the message
  • Improved playback performance and reduced memory consumption when using multiple 3D or Image panels
  • Improved rendering speed of point clouds in the 3D panel in some cases
  • Improved user script performance for some usage patterns
  • Reduced video delay by dropping old frames when new frames are coming in faster than they can be rendered
  • Fixed a bug with URL state on the /view page when changing data sources
  • Fixed a bug where latched static transforms were not being received by new panels
  • Added a topic query parameter to the GET /v1/recordings endpoint to filter on the presence of a given topic
  • The importId parameter is deprecated for the /v1/data/stream and /v1/data/topics endpoints; use recordingId or key instead

Downloads: Linux: deb amd64 arm64, snap amd64 | Windows: Universal | Mac: Universal

Foxglove v2.10.0

πŸš€ Better video rendering performance​

Linux and Windows users will now see a roughly 5x improvement in rendering performance of CompressedVideo topics in the Image panel. Specific performance gains will always depend on the particulars of your workload.

πŸ—ΊοΈ An improved Map panel​

We've fully reworked the Map panel to improve its rendering efficiency, and in the process, we added several new features:

  • GeoJSON "points" are now displayed as a dot on the map rather than the marker icon, and points follow the layer color
  • GPS points now have a "Point style" option to choose whether they are displayed as dots or pin markers
  • A new "History mode" option allows you to choose whether all points are displayed, only the most recent point is displayed, or only past points are displayed
  • When viewing live data, the Map panel can be configured to preserve historic GPS points to show the device's path
New & Improved
  • Table column sizes now persist between page loads
  • The Timeline view now includes the day of week in the 4-hour, day, and week views
  • Added support for clearing problems through Foxglove WebSocket
  • Fixed an issue causing incorrect message counts in the topic sidebar when filtering
  • MCAP files with two channel schemas that differ in only whitespace will no longer show an error about inconsistent datatypes
  • Fixed an issue where you had to refresh the app after reverting layout changes for the layout to update
  • Fixed an issue causing values to not wrap to the next line properly in the Raw messages panel
  • Fixed a problem causing ROS marker points to disappear when using the orthographic view in the 3D panel
  • Fixed an issue where Services were not callable over a rosbridge connection
  • Extension README and changelog files now support relative links to other files in the source repo
  • Events can now be viewed and created when streaming Foxglove data by device name and recording key

Downloads: Linux: deb amd64 arm64, snap amd64 | Windows: Universal | Mac: Universal

Foxglove v2.9.0

🀝 All of your settings in one place​

We've consolidated all settings in one place to make configuring Foxglove easier. Navigate to the Settings page, where you can manage your user settings like color scheme, install local extensions, and browse available public extensions. Organization admins can manage organization settings like billing, custom properties, and API keys.

Admins for Team and Enterprise organizations can also manage private extensions for your organization from the Organization Extensions page, and also manage webhooks.

Unified Settings

πŸ” Customize security with single sign-on options​

If you're on a Foxglove Team or Enterprise plan, you can now set a required SSO method for users to log in with. Available methods are Google, Microsoft, or Okta. To configure a required SSO provider, go to Settings and under Organization Settings select SSO.

SSO Settings

New & Improved
  • Added helpful error messages and help text if invalid math modifiers are used
  • Minor performance improvement to transform handling
  • Improved the user experience when invalid filters are applied to the recordings list view
  • Fixed an issue where video decoding errors were not being caught and handled
  • Fix a bug with deserializing FlatBuffer unions
  • Fixed an issue where menu items in the Service Call panel settings were occasionally cut off
  • Fixed an issue where MCAP files with empty chunks might fail to load
  • Extension readme files containing relative image paths now display correctly

Downloads: Linux: deb amd64 arm64, snap amd64 | Windows: Universal | Mac: Universal

Foxglove v2.8.0

πŸ“° Publish organization extensions from UI​

You can now publish an extension to your organization directly from the organization extension settings page, without using the CLI.

Publish organization extensions from UI

πŸ“ˆ Better data visibility with scatterplots​

Scatter plots now show the X and Y value of data you've hovering over in the tool tip and legend.

βœ‚οΈ Trim and select topics while exporting​

When you download a recording from Foxglove, you can now select which topics you want to export and trim the time range. This functionality is already available via the /data API and the Timeline page.

New & Improved
  • The Layout menu now highlights and automatically opens to prompt you to select a layout if you've ended up in a state with no layout
  • Messages sent via the Foxglove websocket protocol now populate MessageEvent.publishTime with the time the message was sent by the server
  • Performance improvements for reading local MCAP files
  • Improved handling for viewing large, deeply-nested objects in the Raw Message panel
  • Fixed an issue where recordings associated with a device were not showing in the recents list
  • The Log panel now correctly respects changes to the time zone and timestamp format settings
  • In the User Script editor, IntelliSense hover overlays are no longer cut off at panel edges
  • Edge site imports on the timeline now correctly update as data is imported
  • Fixed an issue with deserializing messages containing unions

Downloads: Linux: deb amd64 arm64, snap amd64 | Windows: Universal | Mac: Universal