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Release notes for the Foxglove web and desktop app.

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Foxglove v0.21.0


  • Added button for downloading plot data as a CSV file in the Plot panel
  • Added support for using ROS package:// URLs in mesh markers' mesh_resource fields
  • Added support for loading .stl files for mesh markers' mesh_resource fields
  • Added an addPanel method to extensions API to open or update panels in the layout


  • Made it possible for the Layouts sidebar's sign in prompt to be dismissed
  • Surfaced an error message indicating that the app only supports loading one bag file when user tries to load a second ROS1 bag file
  • Displayed GPS points in different colors with surrounding circles of varying diameters to represent their validity and accuracy in the Map panel
  • For arrays in the Raw Messages panel, replaced button that logs data to the console with a copy icon that copies data to the clipboard
  • Set defaults for all Publish panel config fields and marked them as optional
  • Changed the extensions API to make advertise, unadvertise, and publish into optional methods; disabled Teleop panel when data source does not support publishing
  • Improved the user experience for adding panels, in rare cases when there is no currently selected layout


  • Improved .msg definition parsing to fix errors with empty string constants (ROS 1) and unquoted string constants (ROS 2), and add support for string array default values (ROS 2)
  • Fixed an issue where adding a Map panel after opening a bag file didn't properly display all points
  • Fixed a bug where rotated OccupancyGrids appearing squashed in the 3D panel
  • Fixed an issue where spurious errors were displayed when syncing layouts on app load

Foxglove v0.20.1


  • Fixed another issue where font fallbacks caused app crashes on Windows
  • Removed non-standard deprecated marker types FILLED_POLYGON and OVERLAY_ICON

Foxglove v0.20.0

We've implemented two customer-requested tickets that we're excited to see out in the wild – more powerful topic name and message field searching, and the ability to load 3D models in the 3D panel's scene.


  • Added ability to search for both topics and message fields in the message path input behind an Experimental Feature flag ( Include fields names in message path search)
  • Added panel setting to sync and unsync Plot panels with timestamp-based x-axes with others in the layout
  • Added support for displaying int64 and uint64 values in the Plot and State Transitions panels
  • Added support for loading glTF (.glb) files via a marker's mesh_resource field in the 3D panel


  • Changed appearance of floating toolbars in the 3D and Topic Graph panels due to Fluent UI refactor


  • Fixed bug where the app would sometimes crash on Windows due to font loading issues

Foxglove v0.19.0

We now sync your layouts to cloud storage when you sign in to a Foxglove account. In addition to syncing your personal layouts across multiple devices, you can also collaborate on Team Layouts with your robotics organization.


  • Added link to License and Privacy Policy from Help menu
  • Added a confirmation step before reverting user changes to a layout
  • Added ability to toggle individual topics in the Map panel's display
  • Added support for ROS2 Foxy to the ROS2 native connector


  • Made miscellaneous copy edits and improvements to docs
  • Improved the Node Playground panel's Unhandled node kind error to include more useful details


  • Made the header's background color and font size in the Diagnostic Summary panel consistent
  • Improved performance of the Raw Messages panel when viewing large messages

Foxglove v0.18.2


  • Added dropdown with diagnostic level filters in Diagnostics Summary panel


  • Updated copy for State Transitions and Plot panel docs
  • Linked to external pages for remaining in-app docs
  • Hid plot title if not set


  • Fixed "could not find chart with id" error
  • Fixed regression in Plot panel performance

Foxglove v0.18.1


  • Fixed multiple preloaded datasets from overlapping in the State Transitions panel
  • Prevented late hover events from triggering when hovering on a Plot panel
  • Fixed a crash when loading layouts created with older versions of Foxglove or Webviz

Foxglove v0.18.0


  • Added support for decoding /rosout via native ROS 2 connections
  • Added support for clicking on a graph to seek to the corresponding timestamp in the State Transitions panel
  • Added preloading support to the State Transitions panel
  • Added a vertical line indicating the current playback time in the State Transitions panel
  • Added a title setting to the Plot panel


  • Cleaned up styling in the app settings' "Experimental Features" section
  • Changed default behavior for time-based Plot panels by keeping their x-axes synced, even after panning or zooming
  • Updated docs to link out to external doc pages on
  • Used consistent sentence-casing throughout the app


  • Fixed topic filter settings in the Topic Graph panel
  • Fixed a bug where selecting a message path from the Plot panel's dropdown would replace the wrong text, resulting in an invalid path
  • Fixed issue where the user receives an un-actionable message when the playback bar has an invalid range
  • Fixed an issue with the tooltip getting stuck open on the playback controls
  • Fixed Plot panel tooltip to show data from the nearest point when hovering over a certain x-axis value
  • Fixed "Studio Debug Panels" experimental feature flag to hide debugging panels by default
  • Improved plot downsampling algorithm to avoid introducing gaps with adjacent datasets
  • Fixed issue with native ROS 2 connections not being established correctly due to implicit history size

Foxglove v0.17.0


  • Added beta support for ROS 2 native connections (ROS 2 Rosbridge connections are more battle-tested)
  • Added support for loading ROS 2 Eloquent bag files
  • Added ability to explicitly save a layout, and to revert a layout to its last explicitly saved state
  • Added a clickable file icon in the macOS window titlebar to show the loaded file's location


  • Removed fine-grained undo/redo functionality for layouts in favor of the new ability to revert changes to baseline layout
  • Implemented more accurate sampling in the Plot panel for highly variable data points
  • Sorted layouts in alphabetical order
  • Automatically added a Welcome layout when deleting the last layout


  • Fixed drag & drop handling of .xacro files
  • Fixed layout issues with full screen panels
  • Aligned field labels in the Raw Messages panel and the 3D panel's marker details modal
  • Fixed plots with a custom (non-timestamp) x-axis from attempting to sync
  • Fixed OOM on Linux loading certain bag files
  • Improved CPU usage when connected to a live data source
  • Improved Plot panel performance when connected to a live data source

Foxglove v0.16.0

We've added a Teleop panel, as well as support for live ROS 2 Rosbridge WebSocket connections!


  • Added a Teleop panel to send geometry_msgs/Twist messages with a configurable publish rate
  • Added advertise, unadvertise, and publish methods to the panel extensions API
  • Added ROS 2 support to panels that support only certain datatypes (e.g. sensor_msgs/msg/Image in addition to sensor_msgs/Image), to improve compatibility with ROS 2 bags, WebSocket connections, and future native connections
  • Added a for @foxglove/studio-base
  • Added ROS 2 support for Rosbridge WebSocket connections
  • Added "Foxglove Studio" after the current data source in the titlebar title


  • Detected host platform to display the correct shortcut key in the Welcome panel
  • Added a check to avoid rendering if point cloud field offsets point past the end of the byte array
  • Improved error handling for native ROS 1 connection failures, by surfacing them as player problems
  • Added a check for the size of ROS 1 messages before deserializing, surfacing failures as player problems or user notifications
  • Removed in-app title bar to display connection problems as a badge on the connections icon or as text inside the connections tab


  • Fixed Legacy Plot to properly display data when read from bags and other data sources using lazy messages
  • Display title and axis labels from message on the Legacy Plot
  • Fixed ROS 2 message parsing and deserialization, and improved error reporting
  • Fixed issue where panels would sometimes disappear from the layout when dragged out of Tab panels
  • Fixed an issue with performing mDNS lookups with a @foxglove/electron-socket update
  • Filtered the datasets down to the configured view bounds before sending to the Plot panel
  • Fixed ROS 1 message decoding regression with a @foxglove/rosmsg-serialization update
  • Fixed ROS 1 publishing with @foxglove/ros1 and @foxglove/electron-socket updates
  • Fixed State Transitions panel to place chart items under the correct legend item
  • Fixed styling on the Plot panel's hover bar to appear consistently on all browsers


  • Removed punycode, a dependency for older libraries with Webpack v4, from appearing in web builds
  • Remove unused code
  • Migrate to @foxglove/rostime package

Foxglove v0.15.0

In this release, we focused on bug fixes and making further improvements to app styling.


  • Enabled the Image panel's image markers dropdown, even when their topic name does not match the camera image topic
  • Scoped app styling to a top-level app container, instead of applying styles globally


  • Fixed the Image panel's download feature to download the image at its original size
  • Fixed a crash when hovering on int64 or uint64 values inside arrays in the Raw Messages panel
  • Fixed a memory leak when attempting to automatically re-establish a connection to a rosbridge WebSocket
  • Fixed 3D panel error that appears when turning a topic off after toggling its namespace markers
  • Removed outdated Slack channel from Node Playground panel documentation


  • Removed references to global React in the ErrorBoundary component
  • Added back the legacy 2D Plot panel under a feature flag
  • Deleted unused code from the @foxglove/studio-base package
  • Upgraded dependencies, including @foxglove/rosbag
  • Updated lint rules to ban the use of the any type in conditionals