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173 posts tagged with "Foxglove"

Release notes for the Foxglove web and desktop app.

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Foxglove v1.25.0

Our new 3D panel is no longer in beta 🎉 📹

The old 3D panel has been renamed to "3D (Legacy)", and will continue to work as before.

New 3D panel improvements

  • Added touchscreen support
  • Added support for deleting markers using Foxglove schemas
  • Added support for rendering cubes, meshes, and lines, arrows, cylinders, and spheres using Foxglove schemas
  • Added support for selecting individual points in point clouds and laser scans
  • Added follow modes “Pose” (current frame’s orientation + position), “Position” (current frame’s position), and “Fixed” (static)
  • Updated default camera position
  • Added support for preloading all transforms from local and remote file sources
  • Added support for rendering text primitives using Foxglove schemas


  • Added support for clicking and dragging numbers in the panel settings UI to set their value
  • Added support for displaying Foxglove events on the playback bar including hover interactions
  • Added support for specifying options for extension panels using “toggle” inputs
  • Changed app color scheme to use the system’s color scheme by default
  • Added link to Foxglove schemas documentation in the Raw Messages panel


  • Moved all controls in the URDF panel to the settings sidebar
  • Changed the default behavior of Foxglove links to open in the web app
  • Updated Foxglove’s internal ROS node to listen on all network interfaces when Foxglove is publishing messages on the native ROS 1 connection


  • Mitigated app crashes when plotting series that result in millions of points
  • Added graceful error handling when loading Foxglove sources with malformed topic schemas
  • Fixed an issue with the User Scripts panel that caused it to be covered by the playback bar
  • Fixed inconsistent time formatting in the Data source sidebar
  • Fixed looping when playing back a file to be more reliable
  • Fixed extension panels to persist their settings through data source changes
  • Fixed subscribing to new topics while playback is paused
  • Fixed issue where old GeoJSON messages were not cleared before rendering new messages

Foxglove v1.24.0


  • Added settings to manually specify the min and max x-axis values in the Plot panel
  • Added a list of user-created events to the Data source sidebar tab when viewing Foxglove data
  • Added support for visualizing URDF models with <link>s, but no <joint>s, in the 3D (Beta) panel


  • Improved performance of the Data source sidebar tab
  • Improved performance of the Data Source Info panel
  • Improved coordinate frame label positioning in 3D (Beta) panel
  • Improved the behavior of number input steppers in panel settings to be more reliable
  • Replaced the Data source sidebar tab's opaque device ID with a user-friendly device name when viewing Foxglove data
  • Updated the proxy icon to show the currently open file on the macOS desktop app
  • Updated the Variable Slider panel's settings to permit fractions and undefined and fall back to defaults


  • Fixed dropped messages for certain topics in extension panels
  • Fixed visualization of COLLADA files with lights in the 3D (Beta) panel
  • Fixed the "Data went back in time" error when quickly scrubbing back and forth
  • Fixed issues with deleted variables in the Variable sidebar tab
  • Fixed an issue with the end time and duration displays for non-live data sources in the Data Source Info panel
  • Fixed the transform setting and added back the "Synchronize Timestamps" setting for the Image panel
  • Fixed styling for the panel actions overlay
  • Fixed an issue where adding a grid or URDF layer made other topics disappear in the 3D (Beta) panel
  • Fixed URDF transforms from disappearing when seeking or looping playback in the 3D (Beta) panel

Foxglove v1.23.0


  • Added ability to set a $selected_id variable when clicking a marker in the 3D (Beta) panel
  • Add ability to override colors for marker topics in the 3D (Beta) panel


  • Disabled the right-click context menu for the entire app so it doesn’t clash with the browser’s context menu
  • Hide Safari UI components when launching the web app from the Home Screen on iOS
  • Improved messages for runtime errors in the User Scripts panel
  • Removed unactionable topic count from the 3D (Beta) panel’s settings sidebar
  • Added visual feedback when hovering on a tab in the Tab panel
  • Enabled message latching as the default behavior
  • Persisted changes in the Map panel’s pan and zoom levels


  • Fixed transparent object ordering in the new 3D (beta) panel
  • Fixed a Rosbridge connection failure when publishing messages from the 3D and 3D (Beta) panels’ publish messages
  • Fixed an issue in the 3D (Beta) panel where the camera controls didn't work if the panel was initially loaded in 2D view mode
  • Fixed a bug in the 3D (Beta) panel where the settings sidebar would not update when toggling between 2D and 3D mode via the panel button or keyboard shortcut
  • Fixed an issue with numeric step buttons in the 3D (Beta) panel’s settings
  • Fixed manual looping when message latching is enabled
  • Fixed an issue in the layouts’ context menu when saving or reverting changes for multiple layouts
  • Fixed outdated links to documentation
  • Fixed an issue with the Teleop panel’s settings
  • Fixed a bug in 3D (Beta) when switching OccupancyGrid settings between opaque and translucent colors
  • Improved the 3D (Beta) panel’s rendering of opaque occupancy grids

Foxglove v1.22.0


  • Added a button for clearing color settings fields
  • Added ability to apply custom colors to foxglove.geoJSON messages in the Map panel


  • Redesigned the Variables sidebar UI
  • Ensured that seeking forwards and backwards both navigate the same amount of time
  • Replaced the color picker with react-colorful
  • Improved the State Transition panel's color selection
  • Improved startup time for Rosbridge connections with large topic graphs
  • Used default cursor for the Map panel


  • Fixed a bug with message latching when using a slow frame rate or looping playback
  • Fixed a 3D (Beta) panel crash when a line strip marker is updated to have 0 points
  • Removed erroneous gaps in the playback scrubber that appeared even if all data was present
  • Fixed issues with the Image panel's handling of foxglove.PointsAnnotation messages
  • Fixed an issue with message path autocomplete
  • Fixed an issue with animations in the Variables sidebar
  • Fixed messages drops when playing back data with multiple messages at the exact same log or receive times

Foxglove v1.21.0


  • Added a Gauge panel for displaying numerical values on a colored scale
  • Added an experimental feature for displaying a memory use indicator
  • Added support for saving, reverting, and duplicating multiple layouts at once in the sidebar’s Layouts tab
  • Added support for glTF meshopt-compressed files to the 3D (Beta) panel
  • Added an opacity setting for point clouds using colormap or rgb coloring in the 3D (Beta) panel


  • Improved rendering performance for text labels in the 3D (Beta) panel
  • Removed the x, y, and z fields from the Euler angle in the User Scripts panel's quaternions.ts utility
  • Improved the automatic matching between camera images and camera info topics in the 3D (Beta) panel


  • Fixed autocomplete behavior in the Plot panel
  • Fixed interaction conflicts with panel toolbars inputs and drag-and-drop functionality
  • Fixed an issue with the auto-detected timezone in app preferences
  • Fixed toggling topic visibility with a keyboard in the 3D panel
  • Fixed a bug with different messages’ private fields in the Raw Messages panel

Foxglove v1.20.1


  • Improved playback performance with new latching player
  • Removed fluentui dependency from colorUtils
  • Killed fluentui makeStyles (this time it's personal)


  • Fixed bug where some messages would be dropped with new latching player
  • Fixed dialogs to submit when Enter key is pressed

Foxglove v1.20.0


  • Turned message latching feature for bag, MCAP, and Foxglove data sources on by default
  • Added support for new definition of foxglove.FrameTransform schema
  • Added support for overriding topic colors in the Map panel
  • Added a global keyboard shortcut (Ctrl-b) to close the sidebar
  • [Extension API] Add global variable support with a setVariable() method on the panel context, and a variables map on the RenderState
  • Added ability to batch delete layouts in the sidebar’s Layouts tab
  • Added support for using Shift to select multiple layouts in the sidebar’s Layouts tab
  • Added a new quaternion utility library for the User Scripts panel


  • Renamed the Node Playground panel to the User Scripts panel
  • Adjusted 3D (Beta) panel so that it will no longer auto-select a different frame if the user-selected one does not exist
  • Replaced the multi-delete icon in the sidebar’s Layouts tab with a delete option in the context menu
  • Persisted the expansion state of nodes in the Raw Messages panel
  • Changed search in the Add panel sidebar tab to search by both panel titles and descriptions
  • Changed panel settings inputs to only include placeholder where relevant, and added an array of placeholder values for vec2 and vec3 input fields
  • Changed the Data Source Info panel to show all topics in ROS 2 .db3 files, even if they cannot be deserialized


  • Fixed an issue with long message path inputs in Plot panels on Linux Chrome
  • Fixed parsing error in the 3D (Beta) panel for some COLLADA meshes
  • Fixed issue in 3D (Beta) panel so that the selected object dialog links to the correct topic name
  • Fixed the "reset to defaults" function in the Panel settings sidebar tab for extension panels
  • Fixed an issue with saving the current script before creating a new one in the User Scripts panel
  • Fixed issue so that data playback continues, even if a user script has a return type that cannot be handled
  • Fixed a bug with renaming unsaved layouts

Foxglove v1.19.0


  • Added support for preloading and plotting the message outputs of Node Playground panel scripts
  • Added support for file:// URLs in MESH_RESOURCE markers and URDF models


  • No longer display message frequency for topics with a single message in the Data source sidebar tab
  • Reorganized panel settings and added an error message for image topics when the associated CameraInfo topic is not found in the 3D (Beta) panel
  • Deleted the experimental feature for "Unlimited in-memory cache", as it is no longer useful and will likely lead to app crashes or slowdowns


  • Fixed a crash in Diagnostic panels when an unsupported datatype is published on the /diagnostic topic
  • Fixed a bug in the 3D (Beta) panel where seeking would sometimes result in orientation changes if a transform frame had not been manually selected

Foxglove v1.18.0

The latest and greatest 3D panel is ready to use – complete with optimized rendering performance, improved usability, and more! 👀

Drag and drop a 3D (Beta) panel into your layout to check out the changes!

Read the full announcement here.


  • Added support for foxglove.PointCloud and foxglove.FrameTransform messages in the 3D (Beta) panel
  • Added a disclaimer for the native ROS 2 connection in the Data source dialog
  • Added ability to visualize MarkerArray topics in the 3D (Beta) panel when no transform messages are published
  • Added measurement tool to the 3D (Beta) panel
  • Implemented syncing extensions to a private registry
  • Added ability to click a marker to publish a point or pose in the 3D (Beta) panel
  • Added URDF support for the 3D (Beta) panel
  • Implemented more defaults in the 3D (Beta) panel settings
  • Added a context menu when clicking on multiple objects in the 3D (Beta) panel
  • Added a button and keyboard shortcut for toggling between 2D and 3D view in the 3D (Beta) panel


  • Replaced missing messages with an error when playing malformed JSON messages
  • Made layout sync failure notifications less intrusive


  • Exposed settings for nav_msgs/Path messages in the 3D (Beta) panel settings
  • Fixed issue with Node Playground panel scripts that reference custom datatypes
  • Fixed an issue with ROS 2 bag message reading
  • Fixed a crash in the 3D (Beta) panel when rendering PoseArrays that grew over time as axes or arrows
  • Fixed certain MCAP files from having their message data read out of order
  • Fixed a bug where saving changes to a new layout while offline would delete that new layout when going back online

Foxglove v1.17.1


  • Added support for bgra8 encoding in the Image panel and 3D (Beta) panel


  • Improved performance in the 3D (Beta) panel
  • Improved performance of text markers in the 3D (Beta) panel


  • Fixed ordering of the Map panel’s settings fields to be more intuitive
  • Fixed an issue with dragging panels within a Tab panel’s tab
  • Removed visual artifacts when rendering grids and lines in the 3D (Beta) panel
  • Removed the global variable UI from the 3D (Beta) panel, as the feature is not yet implemented