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Foxglove v2.9.0

🀝 All of your settings in one place​

We've consolidated all settings in one place to make configuring Foxglove easier. Navigate to the Settings page, where you can manage your user settings like color scheme, install local extensions, and browse available public extensions. Organization admins can manage organization settings like billing, custom properties, and API keys.

Admins for Team and Enterprise organizations can also manage private extensions for your organization from the Organization Extensions page, and also manage webhooks.

Unified Settings

πŸ” Customize security with single sign-on options​

If you're on a Foxglove Team or Enterprise plan, you can now set a required SSO method for users to log in with. Available methods are Google, Microsoft, or Okta. To configure a required SSO provider, go to Settings and under Organization Settings select SSO.

SSO Settings

New & Improved
  • Added helpful error messages and help text if invalid math modifiers are used
  • Minor performance improvement to transform handling
  • Improved the user experience when invalid filters are applied to the recordings list view
  • Fixed an issue where video decoding errors were not being caught and handled
  • Fix a bug with deserializing FlatBuffer unions
  • Fixed an issue where menu items in the Service Call panel settings were occasionally cut off
  • Fixed an issue where MCAP files with empty chunks might fail to load
  • Extension readme files containing relative image paths now display correctly

Downloads: Linux: deb amd64 arm64, snap amd64 | Windows: Universal | Mac: Universal

Primary Site v0.0.43

This release contains a fix to the inbox listener for metadata writes to the lake.

  • Fixed an issue where the inbox listener would ignore failures to write metadata to the lake in some cases.

Docs: About | Install | Upgrade

Agent v1.1.4

πŸ‘€ Automatically detect which files are ready for upload​

The Foxglove Agent will now automatically ignore incomplete MCAP files in the watched directory. See the Foxglove Agent docs for more details.

New & Improved
  • The Foxglove Agent will now ignore incomplete MCAP files while watching and reconciling recordings

Docs: About, Install | Debian Packages: amd64, arm64 | Binary Files: amd64, arm64

Foxglove v2.8.0

πŸ“° Publish organization extensions from UI​

You can now publish an extension to your organization directly from the organization extension settings page, without using the CLI.

Publish organization extensions from UI

πŸ“ˆ Better data visibility with scatterplots​

Scatter plots now show the X and Y value of data you've hovering over in the tool tip and legend.

βœ‚οΈ Trim and select topics while exporting​

When you download a recording from Foxglove, you can now select which topics you want to export and trim the time range. This functionality is already available via the /data API and the Timeline page.

New & Improved
  • The Layout menu now highlights and automatically opens to prompt you to select a layout if you've ended up in a state with no layout
  • Messages sent via the Foxglove websocket protocol now populate MessageEvent.publishTime with the time the message was sent by the server
  • Performance improvements for reading local MCAP files
  • Improved handling for viewing large, deeply-nested objects in the Raw Message panel
  • Fixed an issue where recordings associated with a device were not showing in the recents list
  • The Log panel now correctly respects changes to the time zone and timestamp format settings
  • In the User Script editor, IntelliSense hover overlays are no longer cut off at panel edges
  • Edge site imports on the timeline now correctly update as data is imported
  • Fixed an issue with deserializing messages containing unions

Downloads: Linux: deb amd64 arm64, snap amd64 | Windows: Universal | Mac: Universal

Primary Site v0.0.42

This release contains a fix to the inbox listener for self-managed sites when importing recordings with no device ID and no key.

  • Fixed an issue in the inbox listener where recordings with no device ID and no specified key were incorrectly de-duplicated.

Docs: About | Install | Upgrade

Foxglove v2.7.0

πŸ›ŽοΈ List available services from ROS and custom Foxglove websocket connections​

When streaming live data for visualization over the Foxglove bridge, the available services are now listed in the Service Call panel.

☁️ Quickly access recent cloud data sources​

Recently accessed cloud data sources will now show in the "recent sources" list on both the dashboard and the left-hand menu. These sources will be marked with a ☁️ icon.

You can now create shareable links using ds.deviceName to refer to data associated with one of your devices using the name you gave it in Foxglove. For example, to create a shareable link that visualizes data from my-device between specified start and end times with the layout ID abc123, use the following parameters:


The URL will look like this and can be shared with anyone in the my-org organization:

Note that parameters must be URL encoded, so for example 2024-04-18T16:26:41.371Z becomes 2024-04-18T16%3A26%3A41.371Z.

🍎 Performance gains on macOS​

The Foxglove desktop app on Mac now uses Metal, a high-performance graphics API developed by Apple. By using Metal, we're now able to reduce CPU overhead and get nearly direct access to GPU resources for significant performance gains.

New & Improved
  • Performance improvements for preloading topics
  • Improved memory estimation to reduce out-of-memory issues with data containing high-frequency signals and large numbers of message fields
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in numerous app upgrade notifications on desktop
  • Fixed an issue where double-clicking an MCAP file to open it with the desktop app would not add it to recents
  • Fixed an issue with timeseries plot dataset preloading
  • Fixed an issue with message converters being called more frequently than necessary for preloaded topics
  • Fixed an issue causing some User Scripts to fail
  • The retainRecordingsSeconds property for Edge Sites on the /sites API has been updated to intepret 0 as indefinite retention period

Downloads: Linux: deb amd64 arm64, snap amd64 | Windows: Universal | Mac: Universal

Foxglove v2.6.1

This release contains some minor bug fixes.

  • Fixed an issue with timeseries plot dataset preloading where some data was truncated when switching layouts

Downloads: Linux: deb amd64 arm64, snap amd64 | Windows: Universal | Mac: Universal

Primary Site v0.0.41

πŸ—‚οΈ Sorting messages by log time​

The inbox listener will now sort messages in files by their log time while importing. This means that if messages are recorded out of order because of multithreading, clock skew, or other reasons, they can still stream back in time-stamp order. See the inbox listener configuration documentation for configuration options.

New & Improved
  • Updated the inbox listener so if a file is provided with an invalid device name or ID, the import will fail immediately rather than being retried repeatedly
  • Added support for importing and streaming MCAP files containing channels with schema ID 0 (no schema)
  • Fixed an issue where the stream server would exit uncleanly and log an error then the SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT was exceeded while waiting for open requests to complete after being sent SIGTERM

Docs: About | Install | Upgrade

Agent v1.1.3

This release contains minor fixes.

  • Fixed and issue where MCAP channels with schema ID 0 (ie. with no schema) were causing an error when imported to an via the Agent

Docs: About, Install | Debian Packages: amd64, arm64 | Binary Files: amd64, arm64

Foxglove v2.6.0

✏️ Renaming Tab panels​

We’ve made it easier to rename Tab panels. The Tab panel can be helpful for organizing complex layouts where you need lots of information at hand without switching layouts.

🚨 Better handling of conflicting message schemas​

Robotic systems are complex and multi-faceted. It’s occasionally possible to accidentally introduce two different versions of the same schema on the same robot system. To help with this, we added friendly error messages that surface in the Problems sidebar when conflicting duplicate schema names are found in an MCAP file and cause replay issues.

New & Improved
  • Added clarifying tooltips to the settings of several panels
  • Fixed an issue where reinstalling a local extension would temporarily clear out the settings editor for custom panels
  • Fixed an issue in the Raw Messages panel where some values were not properly left-aligned
  • Fixed a bug where Global Variables were being initialized as a string containing two quotes ("\"\"")
  • Fixed an issue with opening items from the recent list in multiple windows
  • Fixed an issue where series in the Plot panel with auto-assigned colors would change color when another series was removed
  • Fixed an issue where uploading and then deleting a recording with a key via the /data REST API prevented uploading another recording with the same key ever again
  • Fixed an issue in the Raw Messages panel preventing users from opening items in long arrays one at a time
  • Fixed an issue preventing Foxglove from initializing when many instances of the app with multiple extensions are open
  • Added includeData and updatedSince query parameters to the /layouts REST API

Downloads: Linux: deb amd64 arm64, snap amd64 | Windows: Universal | Mac: Universal