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Foxglove v2.11.0

👓 Easily view webhook IDs​

Webhook IDs are now displayed in the Webhooks page, viewable by organization Admins, making it easier to manage and debug your webhooks. Webooks are available on the Team and Enterrpise plans. Read the webhook docs to learn more.

Webhook ID visibility

🪴 Expanded message converter support​

The Diagnostics Summary and Detail panels now support message converters, so these panels can be used when your data source does not use the standard ROS DiagnosticArray message type.

New & Improved
  • Hovering over a topic in the sidebar now shows the full topic name
  • The Insights page for organization Admins now allows you to adjust the time range for the data displayed (docs)
  • OMG IDL union message discriminators no longer require a specific or default case defined; When there is no specified or default case it will only show the discriminator value in the message
  • Improved playback performance and reduced memory consumption when using multiple 3D or Image panels
  • Improved rendering speed of point clouds in the 3D panel in some cases
  • Improved user script performance for some usage patterns
  • Reduced video delay by dropping old frames when new frames are coming in faster than they can be rendered
  • Fixed a bug with URL state on the /view page when changing data sources
  • Fixed a bug where latched static transforms were not being received by new panels
  • Added a topic query parameter to the GET /v1/recordings endpoint to filter on the presence of a given topic
  • The importId parameter is deprecated for the /v1/data/stream and /v1/data/topics endpoints; use recordingId or key instead

Downloads: Linux: deb amd64 arm64, snap amd64 | Windows: Universal | Mac: Universal