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15 posts tagged with "Agent"

Release notes for Foxglove Agent.

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Agent v1.1.0

🪄 Automatically upload to the cloud

The Foxglove Agent can now automatically upload a subset of recordings to the cloud using pattern matches. When WATCH_MODE=true is set, a glob pattern can be provided to WATCH_AUTO_IMPORT_PATTERN in order to automatically updload recodings matching the provided pattern. See the Foxglove Agent docs for more details.

  • Fixed a bug where the agent failed to process recordings with multiple channels of the same topic in a file

Docs: About, Install | Debian Packages: amd64, arm64 | Binary Files: amd64, arm64

Agent v1.0.3

This release contains minor improvements.

New & Improved
  • The preinstall script for .deb package now uses #!/usr/bin/env sh as its interpreter rather than #!/bin/env sh, which is available on more systems

Docs: About, Install | Debian Packages: amd64, arm64 | Binary Files: amd64, arm64

Agent v1.0.2

💁 Ubuntu 20.04 support

We now build Foxglove Agent on Ubuntu 20.04 instead of 22.04, which should allow foxglove-agent to run on 20.04-based distributions.

Docs: About, Install | Debian Packages: amd64, arm64 | Binary Files: amd64, arm64

Agent v1.0.0

🥳 Initial release of the Foxglove Agent

We've released the Foxglove Agent! The Agent is a lightweight easy-to-use tool for giving you visibility into the data available on your devices. The Foxglove agent can also sync data from your robots to the Foxglove platform automatically or on demand. Read our annoucement blog for more information.

Docs: About, Install | Debian Packages: amd64, arm64 | Binary Files: amd64, arm64