Type alias SettingsTreeNode

SettingsTreeNode: {
    actions?: SettingsTreeNodeAction[];
    children?: SettingsTreeChildren;
    defaultExpansionState?: "collapsed" | "expanded";
    enableVisibilityFilter?: boolean;
    error?: string;
    fields?: SettingsTreeFields;
    icon?: SettingsIcon;
    label?: string;
    order?: number | string;
    renamable?: boolean;
    visible?: boolean;

Type declaration

  • Optional actions?: SettingsTreeNodeAction[]

    An array of actions that can be performed on this node.

  • Optional children?: SettingsTreeChildren

    Other settings tree nodes nested under this node.

  • Optional defaultExpansionState?: "collapsed" | "expanded"

    Set to collapsed if the node should be initially collapsed.

  • Optional enableVisibilityFilter?: boolean

    Filter Children by visibility status

  • Optional error?: string

    Optional message indicating any error state for the node.

  • Optional fields?: SettingsTreeFields

    Field inputs attached directly to this node.

  • Optional icon?: SettingsIcon

    Optional icon to display next to the node label.

  • Optional label?: string

    An optional label shown at the top of this node.

  • Optional order?: number | string

    Optional sort order to override natural object ordering. All nodes with a sort order will be rendered before nodes all with no sort order.

    Nodes without an explicit order will be ordered according to ECMA object ordering rules.


  • Optional renamable?: boolean

    True if the node label can be edited by the user.

  • Optional visible?: boolean

    An optional visibility status. If this is not undefined, the node editor will display a visiblity toggle button and send update actions to the action handler.