Type Alias RenderState

RenderState: {
    allFrames?: MessageEvent[];
    appSettings?: Map<string, AppSettingValue>;
    colorScheme?: "dark" | "light";
    currentFrame?: MessageEvent[];
    currentTime?: Time;
    didSeek?: boolean;
    endTime?: Time;
    parameters?: Map<string, ParameterValue>;
    previewTime?: number;
    sharedPanelState?: Record<string, unknown>;
    startTime?: Time;
    topics?: Topic[];
    variables?: Map<string, VariableValue>;

Type declaration

  • OptionalallFrames?: MessageEvent[]

    All available messages. Best-effort list of all available messages.

  • OptionalappSettings?: Map<string, AppSettingValue>

    Application settings. This will only contain subscribed application setting key/values

  • OptionalcolorScheme?: "dark" | "light"

    The color scheme currently in use throughout the app.

  • OptionalcurrentFrame?: MessageEvent[]

    The latest messages for the current render frame. These are new messages since the last render frame.

  • OptionalcurrentTime?: Time

    A timestamp value indicating the current playback time.

  • OptionaldidSeek?: boolean

    True if the data source performed a seek. This indicates that some data may have been skipped (never appeared in the currentFrame), so panels should clear out any stale state to avoid displaying incorrect data.

  • OptionalendTime?: Time

    The end timestamp of the playback range for the current data source. For offline files it is expected to be present. For live connections, the end time may or may not be present depending on the data source.

  • Optionalparameters?: Map<string, ParameterValue>

    Map of current parameter values. Parameters are key/value pairs associated with the data source, and may not be available for all data sources. For example, ROS 1 live connections support parameters through the Parameter Server http://wiki.ros.org/Parameter Server.

  • OptionalpreviewTime?: number

    A seconds value indicating a preview time. The preview time is set when a user hovers over the seek bar or when a panel sets the preview time explicitly. The preview time is a seconds value within the playback range.

    i.e. A plot panel may set the preview time when a user is hovering over the plot to signal to other panels where the user is currently hovering and allow them to render accordingly.

  • OptionalsharedPanelState?: Record<string, unknown>

    Transient panel state shared between panels of the same type. This can be any data a panel author wishes to share between panels.

  • OptionalstartTime?: Time

    The start timestamp of the playback range for the current data source. For offline files it is expected to be present. For live connections, the start time may or may not be present depending on the data source.

  • Optionaltopics?: Topic[]

    List of available topics. This list includes subscribed and unsubscribed topics.

  • Optionalvariables?: Map<string, VariableValue>

    Map of current Studio variables. Variables are key/value pairs that are globally accessible to panels and scripts in the current layout. See https://docs.foxglove.dev/docs/visualization/variables for more information.