Interface LayoutActions

interface LayoutActions {
    addPanel(params): void;



  • Open a new panel or update an existing panel in the layout.


    • params: {
          position: "sibling";
          type: string;
          updateIfExists?: boolean;
          getState(existingState?): unknown;
      • position: "sibling"

        Where to position the panel. Currently, only "sibling" is supported which indicates the new panel will be adjacent to the calling panel.

      • type: string

        The type of panel to open. For extension panels, this "extensionName.panelName" where extensionName is the name field from the extension's package.json, and panelName is the name provided to registerPanel().

      • Optional updateIfExists?: boolean

        Whether to update an existing sibling panel of the same type, if it already exists. If false or omitted, a new panel will always be added.


        This parameter is only supported for built-in panels at this time.

      • getState:function
        • A function that returns the state for the new panel. If updating an existing panel, the existing state will be passed in.


          • Optional existingState: unknown

          Returns unknown



    Returns void